We have begun our sculpture unit!  We will be making marionette Superheros out of plaster.  We will look at the human body's proportions and the 15 main "forms" connected at pivot points, which move separately from one another, before we can begin building our characters.

Marionettes have been around since Egyptian times.  Please see the PowerPoint presentation below for a bit of background on their history.

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Your first step in understanding body proportions is to use your head as a basic unit of measurement.  Please follow the instructions on the handout below.
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Draw a human form using the head as the basic unit of proportions.  Ask yourself, how many heads fit into.... Your figure should look like a Michelin Man.
Now you are ready to start looking at existing images of the human body.

Find an image in a magazine.  Circle all the main forms in the human body on the magazine image.  

1) Head
2) Torso
3) Upper Arm (x2)
4) Lower Arm (x2)
5) Hand (x2)
6) Pelvis
7) Thigh (x2)
8) Shin (x2)
9) Feet (x2)

Copy the shapes you drew over the magazine image onto the paper, making sure your head fits into your figure proportionately.  You should have 15 ovals, with small spaces between them.

Your image should look like this:
Hello Grade 9s -
We have been working on the following Art Vocabulary Handout in class.  Please complete up to and including #8.  You should use the images in the textbook, however, if you don't have one with you, you can work with art found on the internet at any of the sites on the sidebar.

If you are missing the handout, here it is!
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