You are now creating your portrait.  
Select a colour which best represents who you are.  The second page of the TASK handout has a list of the different colours and their symbolism in Western and Eastern societies.
You will create various TINTS and SHADES of this colour (8-10) and using this MONOCHROMATIC pallette, paint your portrait.  
You have the various areas of differing value already isolated by contour line.  As you are painting, make sure you are gradually blending the colours, so that your final work does not completely resemble a Paint by Numbers activity (seen below).  

You will paint your PORTRAIT SYMBOL in your chosen colour's COMPLEMENT.  EXAMPLE:  if my portrait was in RED along with its SHADES and TINTS, my portrait symbol will be GREEN, and its variations less intensified by the addition of RED.  This means that GREEN will be the lightest area on my portrait symbol, and GREEN mixed with the most RED will be the darkest area.  

Makes sense?  I hope so.

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